
Wheelock Internship Program 2016/17 – 為有潛質的室內設計畢業生提供海外實習機會

由會德豐地產於2016年創立的Wheelock Internship Program (WIN)旨在為室內設計學士及文憑畢業生提供本地以至海外的見習就業機會。得獎者可到本地或海外的專業室內設計工作室實習,學習及應用行內所需的創作技巧,汲取經驗,成為更多元的專業人才。


計畫的首位得獎者Quinn Wong (畢業於Insight School of Interior Design)剛完成了為期3個月的海外實習,於阿姆斯特丹一所室內設計工作室工作。她認為這次的實習是一個拓闊視野的寶貴經驗。


“I find it extremely useful and eye-opening to get to share and listen to other people’s thoughts. The project can be finished more efficiently, and I also get to see things in different perspectives, which is very helpful as a designer.”
“I’m proud to say I’ve overcame my fears, made a lot of good friends, and had an unforgettable once in a lifetime experience that will benefit me forever. It was all worth it.” 
Quinn Wong