Project WeCan

Career Exploration Day 2017/18

A student from our WeCan partner school Ng Yuk Secondary School was the MC of the event. The event was supported and kicked off by the Financial Secretary Mr. Paul Chan (fifth from the left). The event offered job tasters and career-related activities to near 4,000 Form 4 students from WeCan schools. The event offered job tasters and career-related activities to near 4,000 Form 4 students from WeCan schools.

On 21 April, Project WeCan introduced the largest Career Exploration Day in scale since its launch in 2015, offering over 50 job tasters and other career-related activities involving 28 industries to near 4,000 Form 4 students from WeCan schools.


Participating students were assessed based on their career interests and assigned to different job tasters that match their dominant personality types, namely Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. Mock interviews and career talks were also held to equip and inspire students for their own career and life planning.