
A big winner in “Corporate Games” Distance Run Competition

Mr. Douglas Woo, Chairman of Wheelock Properties (6th from Left) took photo with the Wheelock team.

Wheelock Properties participated in “Corporate Games” Distance Run Competition organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) on 30 November 2014. The run held at Main Dam of Plover Reservoir in Tai Po was about 7km. Wheelock Team won four awards including the team champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up in Women’s Open as well as 3rd runner-up in Men’s Open. The “Corporate Games” is a major multi-sport event specially organized by LCSD for participation by industrial/commercial and public organizations and their employees, which aims to promote team spirit among employees and strengthen their sense of belonging. The Games can also help them to establish the habit of doing exercise daily with a view to promoting “Sport For All” and building an energetic and healthy community.