Art Activities

Harbour, City, Sky Photography Workshop

The Project WeCan is a program of Wheelock CSR initiative supporting less privileged students, brought together some of the best aspects of Hong Kong: a group of keen enthusiastic students; a world-class museum; and harbour foreshores that, gradually, are taking on permanent shape and life. 


Edward Stokes led a Harbour, City, Sky Photography Workshop for sixteen students from the Ng Yuk Secondary School in Sha Tin and Wheelock mentors also attended this Project WeCan workshop based on photographs taken for the exhibition.


On a day of crystal clear skies, and shimmering blue-green harbour waters, the session began in the Hong Kong Maritime Museum with the students and mentors exploring aspects of the exhibition’s photos – all the elements that turn average images into excellent ones. Later, after a café lunch, the students, led by Edward Stokes toured the revitalized Maritime Museum to Tamar harbour foreshore. Taking their own photos, the students and mentors found fresh ways of capturing everyday, seemingly ordinary subjects: piers and boats, vessels seen across the harbour, the dramatic backdrop of city buildings, the ‘wheel’, foreshore weddings, fitness joggers, recreation along the green Tamar environs – and much more. The very best of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour!