
Wheelock Properties corporate website won two global awards

18 Feb 2016

Wheelock Properties Corporate Website awarded “Silver Winner” in W³ Awards and “Best Real Estate Mobile Website” in MobileWebAwards.

The W³ Awards in New York honors outstanding websites, web marketing, web video, mobile sites/apps & social content created by the best interactive agencies, designers, and creators. Receiving over 4,800 entries worldwide in its tenth year W³ Awards, Wheelock Properties Corporate Website is awarded “Silver Winner” in “General Website Categories – Real Estate”.

Founded in 1997, The Web Marketing Association (WMA) helps set a high standard for internet marketing and development of the best websites on the World Wide Web, while the MobileWebAwards were developed by WMA to honor excellence in mobile websites and apps. Wheelock Properties Corporate Website won “Best Real Estate Mobile Website” and recognized the best of responsive websites optimized for mobile devices in the industry.