Project WeCan

Wheelock Offers Job Tasting Experience to Students for 6th Consecutive Year

Stewart Leung, Chairman of WPL, Ricky Wong, Managing Director of WPL, Horace Lee, Director and Group Financial Controller of WPL and Paul Tsui, Executive Director & Group CFO of WAC congratulated students on completing the Programme.

Supporting the Project WeCan Job Tasting Programme six years in a row, Wheelock has offered 4-week summer internship opportunities for 7 students from Ng Yuk Secondary School, Fung Kai No. 1 Secondary School and TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College to get hands-on experience and explore their vocational choices. Students were assigned to Project Marketing and Design departments of Wheelock Properties and Account, Banking and IR departments of Wheelock and Company accordingly to their interests.


On their last working day, the students made English presentations to principals, teachers, senior management and staff of Wheelock Group to share their learnings and feelings. What a wonderful moment to see them grow and gain exposure in a workplace!