Project WeCan

Distribution of Healthy Rice

Ng Yuk Secondary School, our Project WeCan partner school, set up a booth at the Young Innovator bazaar held at Plaza Hollywood from 10-12 February to promote healthy lifestyle by selling various types of healthy rice with different nutrition values. They also encouraged the customers to donate rice for charity use and the response was overwhelming.

On 25 Feb, Wheelock's volunteers team, students of Ng Yuk Secondary School and Fresh Fish Trader's Primary School joined together to distribute the rice donated by the purchasers during the bazaar. Volunteers and students were divided into 7 groups and visited families at Tin Shui Wai. Mr. Ricky Wong, Managing Director of Wheelock Properties, joined to support this activity and grouped with the students for a family visit. This meaningful volunteering service is not only broaden the students' horizon, but also inspire them to care for the community and enhance their communication skills.